[-d <dbi>] [-f file of sql] [-nesting|n <nesting>] SQL
This script will query a database using either SQL provided by the
script user, or using an SQL templates; the query results will be
turned into XML using the the DBIx::DBStag manpage module. The nesting of the
XML can be controlled by the DBStag SQL extension ``USE NESTING...'' -d "dbi:Pg:dbname=mydb;host=localhost"\
A parameterized SQL template (canned query) can be used instead of
specifying the full SQL
For example: -d genedb /genedb-gene gene_symbol=Adh
Or: -d genedb /genedb-gene Adh
A template is indicated by the syntactic shorthand of using a slash to
precede the template name; in this case the template is called
genedb-gene. the -t option can also be used.
All the remaining arguments are passed in as SQL template
parameters. They can be passed in as either name=value pairs, or as a
simple list of arguments which get passed into the template in order
To use templates, you should have the environment variable
DBSTAG_TEMPLATE_DIRS set. See DBIx::DBStag for details. -d mydb -h /genedb-gene -h
A file containing configuration details for local databases
list of directories (seperated by :s) to be searched when templates
are requested
- -h|help
shows this page if no other arguments are given
if a template is specified, gives template details
if a db is specified, lists templates for that db
use in conjunction with -v for full descriptions
- -d|dbname DBNAME
this is either a full DBI locator string (eg
dbi:Pg:dbname=mydb;host=localhost) or it can also be a shortened
``nickname'', which is then looked up in the file pointed at by the
environment variable DBSTAG_DBIMAP_FILE
- -u|user USER
database user identity
- -p|password PASS
database password
- -f|file SQLFILE
this is a path to a file containing SQL that will be executed, as an
alternative to writing the SQL on the command line
a bracketed expression indicating how to the resulting objects/XML
should be nested. See the DBIx::DBStag manpage for details.
- -t|template TEMPLATE-NAME
the name of a template; see above
- -wh|where WHERE-CLAUSE
used to override the WHERE clause of the query; useful for combining
with templates
You can append to an existing where clause by using the prefix +
- -s|select SELECT-COLS
used to override the SELECT clause of the query; useful for combining
with templates
- -rows
sometimes it is preferable to return the results as a table rather
than xml or a similar nested structure. specifying -rows will fetch a
table, one line per row, and columns seperated by tabs
- -o|out FILE
a file to output the results to
- -w|writer WRITER
writer class; can be any perl class, or one of these
- xml [default]
- sxpr
lisp S-Expressions
- itext
indented text
- -color
shows results in color (sxpr and itext only)
- -show
will show the parse of the SQL statement